Software Submission

Please note that we accept only unique software descriptions. The text should be at least 500 words long (or 3000 symbols with spaces). If you have submitted the software somewhere else with the same description, we will not accept it. Please try not to use the marketing language in your texts.

    Required fields are marked with * sign. Your submission will be manually reviewed.

    Publisher Name (Company) *

    Publisher Logo (gif, png, jpg) 2mb max.

    Publisher Email *

    Publisher Phone

    Publisher Address *

    Category *

    Suggest category

    Program Name *

    Version *

    Price USD


    Release date *

    Operational System *

    Primary download URL *

    Secondary download URL

    Buy-Now URL *

    Alternative Buy-Now URL

    PAD File URL

    Boxshot image - 260x345 (gif, png, jpg) *

    Product icon image - 64x64 (gif, png, jpg) *

    Keyword tags *

    Product description (2000 characters max.) *

    Product features (500 characters max.) *

    Screenshot image #1 (gif, png, jpg) *

    Screenshot image #2 (gif, png, jpg)

    Screenshot image #3 (gif, png, jpg)

    Screenshot image #4 (gif, png, jpg)

    Screenshot image #5 (gif, png, jpg)

    Screenshot image #6 (gif, png, jpg)

    System Requirements (300 characters max.) *

    Program Limitations (300 characters max.) *

    Ad Banner image 300x250 (gif, png, jpg)

    * - will be used to advertise your product in the related category.

    Special offer for editors or readers (optional)

    Discount coupon (optional)