CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8

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Draw Anything with This Ultimate Design Tool

In fact, we don’t need to introduce this program. Surely, you already know it. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 is a tool of choice for millions of graphic designers, artists and illustrators all over the world. Should you become one of them too? Let’s see.

Whole new experience

Released on March 2016, X8 features a lot. A lot more than X7. A lot more than any nearest competitor (not that there are plenty of them, anyway). A lot more than an average designer actually may need in his or her lifetime. At the same time, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 manages to remain relatively easy to learn, and produces results well-aligned to skills of an artist yet always excellent.

Let’s take a brief look at what X8 introduced so far.

Draw in 4K resolution

Corel Draw LogoCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 natively supports contemporary UltraHD monitors. The interface and tools have been updated to fit enlarged screens of new displays and deliver better user experience. And if the UI seems too tiny for your eyes, you can scale it up to 250%.

Work on multiple monitors. Of different DPI if necessary.

Multi-monitor systems are not rare across designers. That’s why CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 features improved support for multiple monitors. Now on all supported operating systems, any resolutions and DPI.

Enjoy full Windows 10 support

The Suite is totally compatible with the latest Microsoft OS including touch-screen support. Good to know you can work on Windows 8 and Windows 7 too.

Use Real-Time Stylus (RTS)

A plethora of advanced artistic techniques are only possible with RTS. Now, your favorite tool enables 100% support for tilt and pressure of your strokes with any RTS-compatible device.

Simplified work with curves and nodes

Copy and paste curve segments to draw multiple adjacent contours in seconds. Modify individual nodes of curves easily by holding Shift while using the Shape tool. Hide complex objects or groups of objects in sophisticated designs to thin out the screen and make editing other objects easier.

Cut objects along a straight or curved line

The improved Knife tool can now cut just anything: curves, objects, bitmaps, even text. In X8 you can slice objects like a chef slices cucumbers: any way, along any path.

Manage fonts easier

Your design involves many fonts and texts? With the new Font Manager first introduced in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8, you can handle, organize and manage typefaces and fonts easier than ever before. Plus, now you can embed your fonts into the document for hassle-free printing beyond the office.

Fix what’s wrong in a few gestures

Other X8 exclusives: the perspective correction tool and the Healing Clone tool. In just a few strokes you can fix perspective distortions on buildings with the first one and retouch skin imperfections on a portrait with the other. Neat!

Apply realistic shadows

Shadows are an all-time trouble of designers. Even pros make mistakes which result in unrealistic edges of the shade. With new X8’s Gaussian Blur feathering your shadows look as real as they can on the screen.

Fine-tune colors

A lot of color management enhancements in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 make it easier and faster to achieve accurate color presentation, arrange color styles, create color palettes and more. Also available as a docker for instant access.

Try CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 for free now

Whether you are already familiar with a previous version of this designer suite, or this will be your first experience, give CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 a generous try. The unbeatable artist program returns: revamped, enhanced and friendlier than ever. Try it for free.

Additional Information

  • System Requirements:
    • Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7, in 32-bit or 64-bit, all with latest Updates and Service Pack
    • Intel Core i3/5/7 or AMD Athlon 64
    • 2 GB RAM
    • 1 GB hard disk space
    • Multi-touch screen, mouse or tablet
    • 1280 x 720 screen resolution at 100% (96 dpi)
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher
    • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6
    • DVD drive (required for box installation)
    • Internet connection required to sign in to authenticate CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, receive performance and stability updates, access online content, and use some features, such as QR Codes or the Content Exchange. You can use CorelDRAW Graphics Suite offline provided you connect to the Internet at least once a month so that we can validate your software license.
  • Trial Limitations: Timely limited trial.


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8
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Added 08 years 07 months 19 days 10 hours 47 minutes ago.
Updated August 12, 2016 11:12 am

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