Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017

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Free Windows Optimization softwareAshampoo WinOptimizer 2017 stands for effective Windows optimization, fixing errors and maintaining a smooth system performance. Various modules enable users to individually customize, analyze and optimize their Windows systems.

1-Click Optimizer is a user favorite that declutters hard disks, repairs corrupt shortcuts and deletes no longer needed cookies or the web browsing history. But privacy protection doesn’t stop there, users can also adjust various Windows telemetry settings to affect how Windows phones home. The built-in system analysis provides detailed information on file distribution as well as possible errors. For maximum performance, Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017 manages unnecessary services and autostart entries to free CPU and memory resources for more important processes.

The extensive tweaking module provides access to hundreds of system settings that affect both the performance and look and feel of Windows. Add to that the efficient defragmentation tool and the ability to permanently erase files and you have a truly total package of Windows maintenance and optimization.

Version 2017 includes the Win10 Privacy Control for added privacy protection on Windows 10 systems that disables unwanted telemetry and spy features. All cleaning modules have been updated and now support Microsoft Edge.

Feature highlights:

  • 1-Click optimization to clean and repair Windows systems
  • Safely delete web browsing traces, junk files and outdated Registry entries
  • Win10 Privacy Control for optimal privacy protection on Windows 10 systems
  • Custom Windows tweaks
  • Full control over autostart programs and services
  • Extensive system and hardware analysis

Download WinOptimizer 2017

Download Ashampoo WinOptimizer for Windows and use it free of charge to optimize your system.

Additional Information

  • System Requirements: Windows® 10, Windows® 8 / 8.1, Windows® 7 plus Administrative rights
  • Trial Limitations: None

Removal instruction

Perform the following easy steps to uninstall Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017

In case if you want to remove the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017 automatically:
  • Open the Control Panel (it is usually available from the Start menu)
  • Click "Programs" then "Uninstall a program" in the Control Panel settings
    (this item may have name "Programs and Features" depending on selected View)
  • Select the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017 in the appeared "Uninstall or change a program" list
  • Click "Uninstall" (or "Uninstall/Change") in the menu placed over the list of installed programs
  • Confirm the removal
  • You may need to perform additional steps to remove the software. The system will ask you if needed.
In case if you wish to remove the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017 manually:

You may need to use such method in case if the system is working unstable or the automatic method won't work.

  • Log on to the Windows system as an User with Administrator privileges
  • Run the Windows Files Explorer (you may use Win+E keys combination for this)
    Navigate to the topmost directory where the main program files folder was created during the installation
    (most used is "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" directories so you may use  %PROGRAMFILES%
    environment variable to navigate into the Program Files directory: simple type in %PROGRAMFILES%
    into the address field of the Files Explorer and press Enter key).
  • Select the  the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017 program directory (click to it's name once)
  • Delete the entire Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017 directory from the Program Files
  • Repeat the same for other files related to the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2017

* - be careful to not delete the system or other vital files.


Added 08 years 02 months 7 days 08 hours ago.
Updated January 24, 2017 2:00 pm

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